Finding Your Lotus Seat

Now available as an individualized workshop ONLINE!

Padmāsana (padma = lotus, asana = seat) is a substantially recurring posture in the Mysore tradition of Ashtanga Yoga. The lotus seat is practiced in different variations and iterations through every series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, from the Primary Series through the Advanced Series. It provides the foundation for many of the closing postures of every practice (urdhva padmasana, pindasana, matsyasana, baddha padmasana, yoga mudra, padmasana, and utpluthih).

The lotus seat is also a substantially recurring image in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. Sacred to the dharma traditions, the lotus flower is seen as the seat, throne, ground, and gift of many deities, buddhas, and bodhisattvas. The lotus flower represents the true nature of supreme awareness, the blossoming of clarity from confusion, the awakening from samsara to nirvana, and the transformation of suffering into compassion. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, "No mud, no lotus".

How to turn suffering into compassion? Confusion into clarity? Samsara into nirvana? The blooming of the lotus flower can symbolize this transformation…

Finding Your Lotus Seat with Sandi explores the lotus (padma) as both a posture (padmāsana) and a process beyond the yoga mat.

Learn the traditional Ashtanga practice of progressive postures leading to and through lotus with attentive guidance, philosophical inquiry, and visual meditation.

Whether you're comfortable with the lotus seat already, working towards the posture, or looking for other options, come practice and deepen your experience of the flower power of the padma!

Time and place:

This workshop is now available as an individualized workshop online and can be completed in one to three private classes. The class schedule can be customized to meet your needs. Total time = 3.5 hours. Workbook with study material for reference and further practice included!

led ashtanga vinyasa class (1.5 hours)
philosophy and chanting (1 hour)
pranayama and meditation (1 hour)

body - hips, knees, feet, heart
mind - transforming confusion into clarity, suffering into compassion
speech - 6 syllable mantra and selections from the
Yoga Sutras of Patañjali & the Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh

$150 / 1-3 private classes (3.5 hours total)
if cost is an obstacle, please
reach out

Confirm your customized schedule and Register today!