Aquamarine Yoga

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Can’t Buy Me Love

Yoga is a living vibration of liberation.

You can’t buy it. You can only be it.

Yoga is an ancient art and science of self-realization that always remains contemporary because it renews itself with every breath.

It is a practical pathway for all who are seeking freedom from suffering.

There are many forms of yoga practice and many lineages, or successive streams of teachers and schools, of yoga in the world. Different methods work better for different people; but if they are authentic, they ultimately lead back to India.

Mystic seers, or rishis, in ancient India devoted much more focused energy to studying the nature of the self and the cosmos than most of our contemporary minds have even imagined possible. It is thanks to their intentions and aspirations to benefit others with this higher knowledge and deeper experience that we can enjoy the real benefits of yoga today.

Yoga carries its living vibration through lineages of yoga teachers and students, generation after generation, who continue to study and practice, respect, question, and apply their knowledge and devotion. This is known as parampara or tradition. Tradition is the organic expression of lineage.

As such, yoga is not something that you can buy in a 200 or 300 or 500 hour Yoga Alliance approved teacher training etc, which has become a neocolonialist low standard commercial gimmick for teaching yoga today.*

Yoga is something that you cultivate throughout your lifetime in connection with your teachers and students. If you experience realization on your path of yoga, and you feel the blessings of your teachers, then you are naturally drawn to share in this living vibration, this ongoing process of studying and teaching. It’s important to honor and question the source of your knowledge, and your teacher’s knowledge. In yoga, this questioning inevitably leads to India.

Aquamarine Yoga deeply bows to India as the world’s Mother of Yoga and, as integral to the sustainable education of yoga, aims to educate more yoga students about India’s rich philosophy, culture, arts, music, and cuisine!

*Neocolonialism i.e. requiring people from a sovereign nation to pay your fees and subscribe to your standards in order to legitimize their own cultural heritage. Example: the credentialing of yoga teachers and yoga schools through the American-driven organization the Yoga Alliance, an organization I both worked for and supported for many years until I realized better. Requiring Indian yoga schools and aspiring yoga teachers from India to subscribe to Westernized Yoga Alliance standards and pay the Yoga Alliance’s American-economy-based fees in order to validate their yoga education could easily be considered a form of neocolonialism in the world today. India does not need an American organization to define the legitimacy of India’s own cultural heritage.